Performance and Robustness Analysis of Stochastic Jump Linear Systems using Wasserstein Metric

K. Lee, A. Halder and R. Bhattacharya

Automatica, Vol. 51, pp. 341-347, 2015.

Abstract: This paper focuses on the performance and the robustness analysis of stochastic jump linear systems. The state trajectory under stochastic jump process becomes random variables, which brings forth the probability distributions in the system state. Therefore, we need to adopt a proper metric to measure the system performance with respect to stochastic switching. In this perspective, Wasserstein metric that assesses the distance between probability density functions is applied to provide the performance and the robustness analysis. Both the transient and steady-state performance of the systems with given initial state uncertainties can be measured in this framework. Also, we prove that the convergence of this metric implies the mean square stability. Overall, this study provides a unifying framework for the performance and the robustness analysis of general stochastic jump linear systems, but not necessarily Markovian jump process that is commonly used for stochastic switching. The practical usefulness and efficiency of the proposed method are verified through numerical examples.